
As a trained therapist you can be assured the advice I give is based current research, I endeavour to enhance my skills and deepen my knowledge to offer the most up to date, evidence based practice to my clients. Please see below a list of some frequently asked questions from my clients; please contact me for any further information.

+ what should i wear for my first SESSION?

You may remain fully clothed during your session and only shoes and socks need to be removed. However, loose clothing is preferable around the lower leg area. If you are having facial reflexology, you may remove your upper clothing to avoid any oil stains.


At the first appointment I will conduct a short health consultation which provides me with an understanding of your past medical history and current health and lifestyle and how are you feeling physically and emotionally.

I will use a variety of reflexology techniques adapted to suit your individual needs using fingers and thumbs to apply pressure to the feet, lower legs, hands or face depending on the type of reflexology chosen.

+ my feet are sensitive and ticklish can I have reflexology?

I hear this a lot when I tell people I am a reflexologist! The kind of pressure and technique applied are not intended to tickle. I suggest booking in for a 15 minute taster session and I can show that reflexology is not ticklish at all and if any particular part of the treatment does feel sensitive I can adjust the pressure accordingly.

+ will it hurt?

I apply a firm, therapeutic pressure to the feet, ankles and lower calves. Sometimes a client can feel some discomfort in the reflexes; this should not be an unbearable painful experience. This can indicate that there is a congestion or imbalance in one of the body systems and that can reflect in the corresponding reflex in the feet which may feel tender or ‘bruised’ to the touch.

When there is congestion in the reflex, I feel crystal-like substances under the fingers and the client reports they feel a spot that can range from slightly tender to acutely sharp. Often clients describe this as quite enjoyable and I hear lots of ooohs and ahh’s ! During the treatment I always ask clients for feedback about the pressure and how it feels for them and adjust accordingly.

I often return to a reflex that is showing signs of discomfort after the treatment and then when I work on that area again, a few things can happen:

  • the little discomfort first felt may have increased which means more work is needed for the body to adjust
  • the acutely sharp sensation may disappear altogether which is often a surprise to the client

+ will i get any side effects?

Reflexology effects people in different ways and any side effects that you may feel from reflexology are all beneficial as it’s your body’s way of healing itself following a treatment. Some clients express they experience a sense of euphoria and deep relaxation and/or become emotionally sensitive within the first 12 hours as well as an increased need to flush the system, so going to the toilet often.

My recommendations following a reflexology treatment is to drink room temperature water with lemon to help accelerate the flushing of toxins and help the healing process.

Listed below are some common physical reactions to the body releasing toxins:

  • Increased urination as kidneys are stimulated
  • More frequent bowel movements
  • Improved skin tone and tissue texture due to improved circulation
  • Increased secretions of the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth and bronchioles
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Feverishness
  • Lethargy and fatigue for 24 hours as the body eliminates toxins
  • Lightheadedness and headache
  • Deep and restful sleep
  • Emotional, need to weep

+ how will i feel afterwards?

The application and effect of the therapy is unique to each client, many tell me they have increased feelings of deep relaxation during their first reflexology session. Some clients report an instant positive change to their health wellbeing during their first treatment. Clients with more complex ailments or with longer-term health problems may require more treatments.

Reflexology may help stimulate the body's own natural healing process as it increases the circulation of the body's systems. Some clients feel tired or euphoric and many can also experience increased urination as the body eliminates toxins.


After surgery it is fine to treat but only once signed off by doctor/consultant.


Please speak to your consultant before considering reflexology as it will depend on whether you are still receiving treatment or are recovering from surgery. Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD) can be very helpful - particularly if there is lymphoma - you may want to refer your doctor/consultant to the article below before consent is given.


Also here's an AOR article about cancer: https://www.aor.org.uk/uploads/Cancer.pdf

+ Is reflexology safe in my first trimester?

There is no evidence to suggest that reflexology can cause miscarriage. To avoid doubt, most practitioners including myself, suggest that mums-to-be get back in touch after their 12 week scan.

+ How often should I have reflexology during my pregnancy?

I do recommend clients aim for regular reflexology treatments during their pregnancy or at least once a month from week 12-37. Weekly appointments after 37 weeks weekly are a great way to prepare the body and baby for birth and encourage a timely labour.

Research has shown that regular reflexology during pregnancy and reflexology during labour may reduce the length and intensity of labour pain (Motha & McGrath, 1989; Valiani et al, 2010).

I often see pregnant clients for the first time as their due date approaches. I am always happy to help and try to accommodate last minute requests for reflexology. Please note that I do not believe that reflexology can 'induce' labour, but that babies are born when they are ready. I can do my best to offer you relaxation and to support the body in preparing for labour.

+ If I am overdue, can reflexology bring on labour?

As mum approaches the few days prior to her due date or labour day they can feel extremely stressed, balancing life maybe with smaller children and/or experiencing anxieties surrounding the impending birth. Reflexology cannot force the body into labour but merely encourage things along. Receiving reflexology can have a calming effect on the expectant mother and I would concentrate on the endocrine system and the pituarity glands which stimualte the 'happy hormones' oxytocin and serotonin which some research has suggested could stimulate the induction of labour. On a very basic level reflexology can calm and relax a pregnant woman and help them administer their energies towards a more positive experience.

+ how soon can I have reflexology after I have given birth?

As wonderful as it is bringing life into this world, having a baby impacts greatly on a woman's physical and mental health. Reflexology post-natally can encourage recovery from birth and help you to regain your natural balance. It may help support milk production, engorged breasts, backache, sleep problems, constipation, boost energy levels, normalise hormone production and reduce anxiety and stress. It is never too soon after giving birth to start having reflexology. I offer treatment in your home so you do not need to worry about getting you and baby out of the house on time for an appointment. Many mums feed their babies whilst having reflexology or have their babies sleep on their tummies whilst receiving treatment. A relaxed mummy often induces a relaxed baby.

Post-natal Reflexology can support you as you settle into motherhood - by providing a bit of me-time, especially in the early days to help with relaxation and improving mood and sleep. Treatments are offered in the comfort of your own home so you can have baby on your lap or nearby. I also can share some reflexology techniques for you to use on your baby too!

Can I have a reflexology treatment after my Covid-19 Vaccine ?

The Association of Reflexologists state that It is not advisable to treat during the first three days after vaccination especially if the person in showing side-effects.

Once any side effects have passed, which could be longer than the three days, then it is fine to provide reflexology.

For common side effects of the vaccination, please see here; https://www.nhsinform.scot/covid- 19-vaccine/the-vaccines/side-effects-of-the-coronavirus-vaccines